QuickClean – anti-limescale function in the bath (2025)

Hard water, dirt, cleaning agents: your bathroom fittings need to withstand a great deal. hansgrohe makes painstaking cleaning a thing of the past. Lots of shower heads and taps from the premium brand are equipped with QuickClean technology, which means: you can rub limescale and other residues off in an instant. So your hansgrohe products will stay in good working order and looking attractive over the long term.

QuickClean – anti-limescale function in the bath (1)

QuickClean: the fast anti-limescale function

To make cleaning easy, flexible silicone nozzles are located on the aerator of the taps and the jets of the showers. The high-quality, tear-resistant silicone is easy to rub using your fingers. Limescale and dirt disappear as if by magic, and you benefit from a lavish spray jet experience every time. A beautiful shower spray when showering and the even flow of water when washing your hands make these products a joy to use.

Find out how QuickClean works on hansgrohe showers:

On wash basins, bath tubs and bidets too

Because QuickClean is so practical, hansgrohe has equipped numerous products with this technology: basin taps and bath mixers as well as overhead and hand showers, plus bidet taps too.

QuickClean is one of the hansgrohe technologies that make cleaning and maintenance quick and easy. Moreover, you can find out how to clean hansgrohe products efficiently in our maintenance and cleaning guide for taps and showers.

Find out how QuickClean works on hansgrohe taps:

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{{ if(product.baseOptions.length > 0 && product.surfaceObj) { }}

{{ if(product.surfaceObj.image) { }}

{{ } }} {{= product.surfaceObj.value}}

{{ } }} {{ if(product.productIntroDate && product.productIntroDate.introDateVisible) { }}


{{ } }}

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{{ if((product.formattedPrice && product.hgShowPrice) || (showSparePartPrices && product.hgSparePart)) { }}


{{ } }} {{ if(useLink2Shop) { }}

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{{ } }}

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{{ var templateHasPrice = false; }} {{ products.forEach(function(product, i) { }} {{ if(product.hgShowPrice) { }} {{ templateHasPrice = true; }} {{ } }} {{ }); }} {{if(templateHasPrice) { }}


{{ } }}

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{{ descriptions.externCustomNumbers.forEach(function(el, i) { }}


{{ }); }}

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{{ if(descriptions.usps.length) { }}

{{ } }} {{ descriptions.usps.forEach(function(el, i) { }}


{{ }); }} {{ if(descriptions.features.length) { }}

{{ } }} {{ descriptions.features.forEach(function(el, i) { }}


{{ }); }}

{{ products.forEach(function(product, i) { }}

{{ var trackingData = product.trackingData; }} {{ var src = product.img, prefix = src + ((src.indexOf("?") > 1) ? "&" : "?") + "format=", srcset = "HBW1018 2x,HBW18 1x".split(",") ; srcset.forEach(function(el, i, arr) { arr[i] = prefix + el; });}}{{=product.line}} {{=product.name}}

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{{if(templateHasPrice) { }}

{{=product.hgShowPrice ? product.price : "–" }}

{{ } }}


{{ product.externCustomNumbers.forEach(function(el, i) { }}

{{=el.length ? el : "–"}}

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{{= (product.line) ? product.line : "–" }}

{{ if(product.surface) { }}

{{=product.surface}} {{ } else { }} – {{ } }}

{{ if(descriptions.usps.length) { }}

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{{ } }} {{ descriptions.features.forEach(function(el, i) { }}

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{{ }); }}

{{ }); }}

QuickClean – anti-limescale function in the bath (2025)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Last Updated:

Views: 5872

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.